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The Gauntlet

By Ron Eller©

Manifest from extraordinary forbearance, we seek to make what has yet to be occurred in fact.

Piecing together a supposition, a premonition, seeing as others sleep, rising from an inclination.

Given to our need to indulge the heart strings of intuition.

To resist the established convention and celebrate the resistance gathering.

It is necessary the disorder.

Revered and hated, in intensity measured by the strength of its honesty. Deemed brilliant by events past and survived by the fitness of some celebrities relevance.

And yet, history lies compulsively and does not bear Art's flame.

Lesser be the art on museum walls, than grand the graffiti upon the canyons of urinary stalls.

The reality saddens me.

However in-spite of the injustice of histories distorted measure, a brighter flame prevails upon our affairs and can not be denied.

The laws of survival are present as one rare gift survives the gauntlet.

To see beyond the pale of daily human existence. To freely imagine, contemplate, visualize, envision, picture, see in one's mind's eye; conceive of, think of, understand, grasp, appreciate, apprehend, ideate. To do such for no other reason than than to create.

It is from the visual arts, one of the last bastion’s of honest creative exploration and discourse. It is here commercial designers, entrepreneurs, creative directors, and fashion designers find the inspiration to move forward in spite of all inevitable resistance. Historically Collectively Fine Artists, are imagination’s translators. They foresee and envisage conductors of inspired encounters.

All things begin
without and within
by art’s translators,

by the designers altars,

by the craftsman’s executors,

by the architects parameters,

by musician songwriters,

by stage scriptwriters,

by times benefactors,

by continuities enchanters. 

the gauntlet

“...to create.”
